Where we are...
How to arrive
You can arrive to
Pantelleria from Milan
and Rome by charter
From Milan, Rome and
Trapani by Airone
From Palermo by
Meridiana flights...
From Trapani by
Siremar ship...
From Mazara by
Tirrenia ship...
From Trapani by Ustica
Lines speedboat...
The island of Pantelleria lies in the Channel of Sicily,
70 km from the Tunisian coast (Mustafŕ Cape) and 110 km
from the Sicilian coast (Granitola Cape). Its area of 83
sq. km. makes it the fourth largest Italian island.
Ancient arab travellers called it Bent el Riah:
daughter of the winds... |

Dammusi |

Flight |

Weather |

Offering |

Rent |
Special: 180,00 Euro 7 night from 12 to 19 april
Accomodation in dammuso for one weak
two pax
Click here for more information or call +39 335.120.62.26